Wednesday 21 September 2011

Molehill Release Date

Hello avid fans,

Today is a good day. We woke up this morning to a lovely little video produced by the guys over at Adobe Flash about the history of making Molehill/Stage3D. To our absolute pleasure we see the Product Manager of Adobe Flash runtimes Thibault Imbert playing around on OUR site in the video. We feel this is nothing more than a pat on the back and indication we're only help fuel the Molehill fire. You can check out the video yourself here: Molehille Gaming's acting debut

Now onto some new we know you will all love; the release date of Molehill/Stage3D. Yesterday it was announced that beta testing has gone smoothly enough to pencil in a release date of early October. This is also the date for Adobe AIR 3'd release.

"Today, we’re excited to announce that Adobe Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 will be launching in early October. These milestone releases introduce the next generation of the technologies that deliver stunning content and apps to over a billion people — across screens including Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry PlayBook, Windows, Mac, and connected TV devices — pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the web."- Adobe

A billion people! I still find that amazing. The beauty of FP11 is it will provide us with 1000x more rendering performance from previous Flash builds and will let us all enjoy amazing games such as Delta Strike and Tanki Online. The bounds of Molehill is creating millions of animations on screen at any time. For developers worldwide this new api is heaven sent. With platforms such as Facebook and other apps worldwide using Flash to build their games etc, the market is expanding exponentially.

"...hundreds of millions of users will be able to instantly upgrade to a whole new level of games on the web with a simple update, ready to experience amazing games using Stage 3D when they come to market later this year and early 2012. With stunning hardware accelerated graphics, mature dynamic audio, immersive full screen, native support for mouse/multi-touch/camera input, low-latency peer-to-peer multiplayer networking, full HD 1080p video playback, and high-quality voice chat, Flash Player provides the building blocks for incredible games."- Adobe

The use of the more popularly available frameworks such as Away3D or Alternativa 3D, the ease of creating these games and apps is greatly improved. Worldwide thousands of developers can create the games full of love an enthusiasm they've always wanted to. And the best part is we can all enjoy them too. Flash will also be releasing their own framework called Proscenium (a large theatre space with defining feature being an arc like shape....very clever). And Adobe are also announcing the release of Starlight, a 2D framework to really get the best of the FP11 capabilities.

So where do we go for the time being? Well, we keep up with the latest demo's people are releasing, we keep checking back to for them, and we patiently twiddle our thumbs for the full release of what is bound to be the genre defining Stage3D api.

Stay safe all,

The Mole