Wednesday 7 September 2011

Flash Player 11 Release Candidate

Afternoon Friends,

We've got some good news for you all. As of today Adobe have released a desktop version of Flash Player 11 for all to use (link at the bottom).

This is great news for one and all. Its also brilliant news for us, as we believe once FP11 goes live fully, and we get our grubby little claws on it, we'll be delving into a whole new world of casual gaming. I say casual gaming with quite loose lips; we at Molehill Gaming believe that the Stage3D engine capabilities will change the face of casual game developing completely, moving into the realms of fully fledged games.

In case you missed our blog last week, Unity is confirming its allowing crossing over from Unity to Flash. I think you'll agree that that's great news all round.

We feel the release of FP11 and Stage3D/Molehill (depends whether you're old school or not, I guess) is right around the corner. We won't hold our breath, but mid-October is our feeling.

Stay safe,

The Mole