Thursday 28 April 2011

The Future of Molehill

Lets begin by saying Molehill Gaming isn't any sort of affiliate of Adobe, we simply want to bring all the wonders of Molehill into one space. We don't know any official releases, we wish we did, we wish Adobe would email us tomorrow and tell us they would release official information via us, alas it won't be that way. What we do know, from our daily searches online, is that Q3 is the main date being mentioned for the Molehill api release date. It can't come soon enough.

Onto the site itself we added some forums this week. We hope it will get all our visitors talking and helping each other out. If anything it can be used as a hub for any technical help people may need with their devs. We have added the regular demo updates and we're working on putting some info on the site that is the basics for developing in Molehill too. That is down to our genius developmoles though, not me.

Speaking of our own devs, they are working at the minute on fine tuning some Molehill engines, and possibly releasing a  short and fun game to get the buzz going more and more about us. I'd ask that all of you reading, no matter what walk of life, when it comes to your daily visits of Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr, don't be shy about spreading the word for us. In fact, this will be our theme for our upcoming competition. The more people you bring to the site, the more chance you have of winning a prize. Whats the prize? A critically loved PC game. So stay tuned for that (its not Portal 2, I knew you were thinking it was) and you know what to do come #ff.

That'll do for this weeks small update. Hope you all stay safe and well and have a great weekend (especially British people, who get another 4 day weekend thanks to the royal wedding preceding a national bank holiday)

Stay moley,

The Mole